Weaving Threads Together

So, you know how sometimes you’re sure you wrote about a particular topic, but when you go to look for specific posts, all you find are bits and pieces all over the place and nothing comes together? Well, yes. This post is partly addressing that, but also some other things.

So, for anyone unfamiliar with Kemetic Orthodoxy’s Rite of Parent Divination (RPD), it’s conceptually a modern rite of passage that gives you the equivalent of regional or nome gods in the form of Parents and Beloveds. So for me, my Parent god is Sobek, and my Beloveds are Heru-sa-Aset, Aset, Djehuty, and Wepwawet. It’s taken me a long time to find the words for how I conceived this over the past decade, as I got stuck into regional cultus and embracing a lot of the Faiyum mythos and trying to build up a cultus for Sobek that was more complete in terms of actual myths and cosmology and festivals and whatnot.

But there’s been some discussion on the HoN boards and discord that have finally given me the words for what I’ve been trying to do. I was mostly on the right track, but what I was missing was the concept of my gods being like my own personal temple, with Sobek as the primary god, and my Beloveds as being like the gods in the side chapels. And since I’ve been idly wanting to do my own version of the Book of the Faiyum with my own Sobek Shedety myths involved, embracing the concept of this being my own Temple in the Faiyum makes a lot more sense of everything I’ve been trying to do.

And thinking on this some more, I think I’m going to end up completely rejigging this whole blog. It’s felt cluttered for a long time now and I feel it’s time to tidy it up and refresh it for this new chapter of my path. I’ll keep everything up, of course, but it might end up in a different place. I want to simplify the navigation and make this much more like the virtual temple I’ve always envisioned it to be. So bear with me as I mess around with things and get this place sorted and more in line with my old-new Kemetic Orthodox path. ❤