Weaving Threads Together

So, you know how sometimes you’re sure you wrote about a particular topic, but when you go to look for specific posts, all you find are bits and pieces all over the place and nothing comes together? Well, yes. This post is partly addressing that, but also some other things.

So, for anyone unfamiliar with Kemetic Orthodoxy’s Rite of Parent Divination (RPD), it’s conceptually a modern rite of passage that gives you the equivalent of regional or nome gods in the form of Parents and Beloveds. So for me, my Parent god is Sobek, and my Beloveds are Heru-sa-Aset, Aset, Djehuty, and Wepwawet. It’s taken me a long time to find the words for how I conceived this over the past decade, as I got stuck into regional cultus and embracing a lot of the Faiyum mythos and trying to build up a cultus for Sobek that was more complete in terms of actual myths and cosmology and festivals and whatnot.

But there’s been some discussion on the HoN boards and discord that have finally given me the words for what I’ve been trying to do. I was mostly on the right track, but what I was missing was the concept of my gods being like my own personal temple, with Sobek as the primary god, and my Beloveds as being like the gods in the side chapels. And since I’ve been idly wanting to do my own version of the Book of the Faiyum with my own Sobek Shedety myths involved, embracing the concept of this being my own Temple in the Faiyum makes a lot more sense of everything I’ve been trying to do.

And thinking on this some more, I think I’m going to end up completely rejigging this whole blog. It’s felt cluttered for a long time now and I feel it’s time to tidy it up and refresh it for this new chapter of my path. I’ll keep everything up, of course, but it might end up in a different place. I want to simplify the navigation and make this much more like the virtual temple I’ve always envisioned it to be. So bear with me as I mess around with things and get this place sorted and more in line with my old-new Kemetic Orthodox path. ❤


It’s been a quiet month

I had a lot of plans for May in terms of spiritual retreat and ritual and other things, but the gods had other plans. Wesir basically told me to rest, so that’s what I did. The only ritual I’ve done this month is Quanyin practice.

But it was nice to just take a break from everything and take a moment to breathe and figure out what I need to do next. I didn’t do as much spiritual work as I’d planned, but I did some, and I’ve been pondering where to go next with my monastic stuff, and my witchcraft, including looking for local groups that might be willing to teach me. Hekate’s been the big push behind this, but so much of the reason for that is not something that’s ready to talk about just yet.

The Sobek Devotional opens for submissions in July, so I’ve been mentally preparing for that, too. I thought I might do the 30 days of devotion meme for Sobek through June to get my inspiration flowing, and to maybe inspire other people, too. I’ve been making notes on a 51 page article about the Book of the Faiyum, so this is the sort of effort I’m going to for this adorable god and His not-very-extensive collection of surviving myths that I need to collate for Day 4 omg. (If someone could publish an English translation of that book so I could read the whole thing, rather than just snippets, that would be amazing. But I doubt that will ever happen because Sobek doesn’t get a lot of research energy boooo.)

That said, even the snippets are beginning to make me re-evaluate what this practice is going to look like, and what’s important to preserve, so expect more ponderings on that front in the future, when I ramble on about how to build regional cultus based on sketchy information and my intuition. :D?

Anyway. That’s really all I wanted to say for now. I have some posts to write, and some research to finish, so look forward to a month of Sobek posts, and get your submissions for the Sobek devotional ready. If you want to chat about the devotional and any possible submissions, email sobekdevotionalATgmail.com and we can chat about it.

New stock on Etsy + actually writing books omg

Just a quick update for you to let you know I’ve put some new stock up on Etsy today. It’s a few altar tiles, and a pair of shrine kits. Check them out in the shop, or over at the blog.

Let me know if there’s anything you’d like to see go up there, and I’ll see what I can do.

Also, I am not just pondering writing books anymore, I am actually going to do it. I’ve been pondering writing books, particularly a Sobek devotional, for years now, but I made a promise to myself late last year that book-writing is what I’m going to focus on this year, and as of now, that seems a lot more possible due to, well. Things are in the works. I’ll post more about this when things are more certain, and I’m closer to having finished manuscripts.

So the books I’m going to be working on are Pasithea’s City, and the accompanying book of Masrai’s myths, hymns, and rituals. (She wants rituals now, so. That’s a thing.) I’m in the process of typing up Masrai’s myths now, and getting them out of the journal and onto the computer. I did 4.6k last night, and I’m taking the opportunity to expand and edit the myths as I go, so I can shape them into something more substantial than what they are now, as they won’t be confined to the page limit of a paper journal.

I’m also going to be working on a Sobek book, this one focusing perhaps more on the whole Sobek of Shedet thing, and the Sobek/Heru thing, along with rituals and hymns and other stuff I’ve gathered over the years. I’m still sketching out the structure for that, but that’s the other major project. More updates on that when it’s more than a bunch of notes and scattered files on my computer.

Other than that, I’m working, dreading the oncoming heat wave, and generally getting on with life.